Magician's Gambit
Magician’s Gambit is the 3rd book in the series The Belgariad. In this book, Garion, the main character, finally accepts the fact that he is a sorcerer, and that he needs to learn how to control his power. Garion and his group leave Ce’Nedra with the Ulgos to go into Cthol Murgos to retrieve the orb of Aldur. Before they leave, they add one more person to the group. His name is Relg. Relg is very religious to his god UL, and has a hard time leaving Ulgos. At first, the group had to stop often to let him pray. You could say that he is a little too caught up in his religion. When they get to Cthol Murgos, they start to look for the magician Ctuchik. Ctuchik is an enemy of Belgarath’s. They have been trying to kill each other for a long time. Later in the book, they have a duel. If you want to find out who wins, your going to have to read the book.
Many parts in this book are kind of gory, and creepy. I don’t think it’s for people who don’t do well with gore. I personally loved this book. Every sentence I read held me in. This book is like a roller coaster, because at some points it’s calm, and then incredibly intense in others. As always, I loved reading this book, and I’m dying to read the next one.
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