Yesterday at gym, our coach lost control. It was a normal day. 50 jumping jacks, stretches, 16 pushups, and 5 pull ups. When we finished, we went over to the coaches desk. We all listened to him talk about what we were going to do that day, and then lined up at the door and got ready to leave. Just then, our coach bellowed,
“Who stepped on my glasses!?” his glasses were brown with dark shades, and at the edge of the lens, the ear piece was hanging in an awkward position. “Who was standing on the stage behind me!?” he roared. On boy raised his hand and then said the names of the people who were on the stage. “Well one of you doofuses stepped on my glasses.” He then flung his glasses down, forcing one of the lenses to pop out. He threw a threatening glare at all of the students. I could tell those glasses were expensive. Then he knelt down, picked up the glasses, and threw them in the garbage. Nobody talked on the way out, but after we had ran our lap, he acted as if nothing had happened. The next day, however, he had a new pair. This time he kept them on his desk. Someone asked how much they were. He said $250 as if it was no big deal.